Nils Kneuper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Okay, I created new screenshots with the blur effect active. Since esr
> dir already change the general transparancy value up to 70% as default
> it does look very good. Though on "normal" terrain (like grassland) it
> already appears a little dark. When comparing with the images with a
> light background like snow, I would say we could drop down to 65% but
> should not go any further downwards.

I completely agree with Nils on this.  Presently I expect to drop
popup opacity 65% and no further -- but I'm going to hold the
experiment to verify that 65% is a good idea *after* Sirp fixes the
artifacting bug in the blur code.

I'll take a moment also to thank Sirp, Nils/Ivanovic, and others who
have been very active and cooperative in helping tune the new-look UI.
By doing this, they have enabled me to stay focused on the reports
from my user test group and on preparing for the big change in the
end-of-turn logic.

For those who have not been following IRC, the "big change" is that 
I'm planning to pry victory/defeat notifications apart from the end-of-scenario
logic.  The user-visible consequence will be that after the victory or defeat
users will still be in gane (though unable to make further moves).  SP users
will be able to change their scenario-save and autosave-cleanup opytions;
MP players will be able to chat and post-mortem the game.  In both cases, a
final "End Turn" will actually end the scenario and/or exit to lobby.

Yes, this will probably break a lot of assumptions in the current code 
abnd expose bugs.  Nils and I have agreed that we should ship 1.3.4 before
I merge this and start the dev group testing it.
                <a href="";>Eric S. Raymond</a>

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