I'd like to point out that security issues aren't the only problem for our
Python AI's.
There's also stands the unresolved issue with redistribution of msvcr71.dll
on Windows.

The GNU General Public Liscence (Wesnoth's end user liscence) and the
Microsoft Visual C++ v7 End User Liscence Agreement are probably not
compatible. The MSVC 7 EULA restricts the re-distribution of msvcr71.dll,
and MicroSoft isn't shipping msvcr71.dll with Windows either. Making things
worse, there is apparently a clause in GPL that doesn't allow you to link
against third party libraries unless they're part of the Operating System.
(Microsoft has also included anti-GPL terms in their own open source


Furthermore, in response to allefant, I really don't think the mailing list
is the appropriate place to be debating the numerous tradeoffs of Lua OR
Python as replacements for scripting WML [event]s, especially since (by your
own admission) you are not among our resident WML experts. You might want to
take that up in the forum, where such debates have already existed for some
time now:



From: gtcopel...@gmail.com
To: wesnoth-dev@gna.org
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2009 11:03:21 -0600
Subject: Re: [Wesnoth-dev] possible security problems (eg with current
python implementation)

Perhaps we should stand this on its head and look at it another way. We're
trying to knee-cap python because of a potential attack vector. If we remove
the potential attack vector we no longer have a reason to knee-cap python.
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