На Tue, 24 Feb 2009 13:13:39 -0500
Patrick Parker <patrick....@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'd like to point out that security issues aren't the only problem for our
> Python AI's.
> There's also stands the unresolved issue with redistribution of msvcr71.dll
> on Windows.
> The GNU General Public Liscence (Wesnoth's end user liscence) and the
> Microsoft Visual C++ v7 End User Liscence Agreement are probably not
> compatible. The MSVC 7 EULA restricts the re-distribution of msvcr71.dll,
> and MicroSoft isn't shipping msvcr71.dll with Windows either. Making things
> worse, there is apparently a clause in GPL that doesn't allow you to link
> against third party libraries unless they're part of the Operating System.
> (Microsoft has also included anti-GPL terms in their own open source
> software.)
> http://www.wesnoth.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=308685#p308685
> http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2005-February/051413.html
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_General_Public_License
GPLv3 is carefully worded to allow redistribution of such binaries with the
GPL'd program. So this problem can be solved by redistributing installer under
GPL3. This is possible because wesnoth is GPL2+. As for MSVC 7 EULA, I don't 
that MS is likely to sue wesnoth for redistributing msvcr71.dll, also I'm not 
whether it's EULA actually forbids redistribution in this case. Perhaps ESR 
research this issue further..

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