You've all trumped my announcement! :-)

Anyway - I've built the windows files for 1.11 and posted them to my web
site: .  The SSL
libraries are still 0.9.8b, and are included in the download.

Christopher G. Lewis

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Micah Cowan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 12:19 AM
> To: Wget
> Subject: Re: Release: GNU Wget 1.11
> Hash: SHA1
> (Accidentally hit Reply instead of Reply-All)
> Willener, Pat wrote:
> > Are there any 1.11 executables available for any platforms?
> Not from us; we just release the source packages. I suspect that Noèl
> Köthe will probably have Debian unstable packages out before too long
> (and RedHat and derivatives already have a large portion of the 1.11
> code in their 1.10.2 packages ;) ).
> Windows binaries are kept regularly updated by Christopher Lewis
> (; I imagine there'll be an "official"
> 1.11 package there shortly, but actually, the existing TRUNK package
> there is not very dissimilar from the final 1.11 release, so might as
> well grab that (if you're looking for Windows binaries).
> However, if you're on a Unix-like system, the source packages are
> intended to be pretty easy to compile into binaries (read the INSTALL
> instructions provided). You should probably have the 
> development version
> of the OpenSSL packages (the libssl-dev package on Debian systems;
> openssl-devel on RedHat derivatives).
> - --
> Micah J. Cowan
> Programmer, musician, typesetting enthusiast, gamer...
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
> iD8DBQFHnXPI7M8hyUobTrERAlazAJ9lFaH3XGBRD95h4MMGxe3O+O/TPwCgimkr
> cR7C+gDTbikB/H+q8EIaCuQ=
> =NKks

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