Henri Sivonen wrote:
On Sep 5, 2005, at 13:10, Lachlan Hunt wrote:

Henri Sivonen wrote:
My tentative assumption has been
<!DOCTYPE html>

That is how I would recommend it be defined. It's not what Firefox does (that's the easiest browser to get the DOM source from)

That's weird.

I tested http://hsivonen.iki.fi/test/inference/section.html in Mozilla 1.7.5 and Safari 1.3 and in both cases SECTION appears as the first child of body. (A DOM viewer for Opera would be nice. :-)

Ok, it seems Gecko has changed behaviour between Firefox 1.0.6 and Deer Park Alpha 2. I incorrectly assumed they'd be the same and just wrote firefox out of habit. However, for your test case, these are the results for all browsers I could test:

Firefox 1.0.6:


Deer Park Alpha 2:


Opera 8.02:

IE7 Beta 1:

(That's very wierd, IE just loves producing broken DOMs! :-/ I assume IE6 will produce a similar result, though I don't have it available to test)

Netscape 4.75:

Note: I couldn't actually get the DOM, but from the output, I think it's safe to assume the DOM is generated as something like this:


Netscape only output the content of the <div> and left the contents of the head hidden. Therefore, since the <section> element wasn't output, it must have been within the <head>. However, when I inserted a <body> start-tag before it, or moved the section after the <div>, then it's content was output.

For Opera and IE, I used this bookmarklet to output the innerHTML of <html>, then just added the <HTML> and </HTML> manually.

javascript:function go() {var pre = document.createElement("pre");var text=document.createTextNode(document.documentElement.innerHTML);pre.appendChild(text);document.body.appendChild(pre);};go();

Lachlan Hunt

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