Quoting White Lynx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
I think you make a compelling case for adding math to HTML the simple
way. Personally, I'm open to adding it to HTML5. How much would it add
to the specification?

In ISO 12083 Electronic Manuscript Format description of mathematical markup occupies about 7 pages, in our case I expect specification to be slightly larger (let's say about 10-15 pages). It should not take too much space as presentational burden is passed to style sheets, so detailed formatting instructions will not be part of specification. Size of extra DTD will be about 4K in case of plain DTD, if modularized in XHTML 1.1 fashion it will be larger (about 10K).

So WHATWG doesn't really care about DTDs. (There are two people involved with that though for validating.) What's needed for a specification is error handling, how it interoperates with existing HTML, etc.

Anne van Kesteren

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