On 2/7/12 4:28 AM, James Graham wrote:
This basically amounts to "the requirements were wrong".

Given the limited information I have so far, yes.

Since the same developer made both the desktop and mobile frontends and he is 
one of
the major users of the system, and the mobile frontend was purely
scratching his own itch, I find it very difficult to justify the
position that he ought to have wanted something different to what he
actually wanted and made.

The fewer users a system has the more weird the requirements can get. I accept that. I do wonder how much we should care about that on the web, though.

In general the idea that sites/applications should be essentially the
same, but perhaps slightly rearranged, regardless of the device they run
on just doesn't seem to be something that the market agrees with.

I'm willing to accept that too. How much of this is a matter of effectively cepy/paste, how much is a matter of this being the path of least resistance in the face of technical challenges and political opposition (e.g. removing most ads from the "desktop" version of a site might not be viewed favorably), and how much is actually dictated by the device differences is unclear to me.

It seems to me that we can either pretend that this isn't true, and watch
as platform-specific apps become increasingly entrenched, or work out
ways to make the UX on sites that target multiple types of hardware as
good as possible.

Clearly the latter is preferable. It's hard to do that without very specific use cases; we've been getting some in this thread, but there's a high level of "we just want it to look different, and need a way to guess what it should look like" going on too.

Of course. The critical point was that there was different information
in the two cases.

This is the part I'd like to understand. Why? Did this have to do with the actual devices, or with the way the particular person happened to use the two devices in his day-to-day activities? I realize you may not know.

That said, if the information was really _different_ then I'm not sure I agree with the "same URI" requirement.....

So it seems to me that we have a problem that real people are hacking
their way around by using techniques that are known to be suboptimal or
downright harmful. Therefore we should take the desire for a solution



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