On 11 Apr 2017, at 17:01, Domenic Denicola <d...@domenic.me> wrote: > Bingo. This mailing list is for developing technology for the world > wide web, not for peoples' local computers.
The World Wide Web includes peoples' own computers. file:// is a URI scheme for exactly that reason. Every browser since WorldWideWeb.app for the NeXT has supported it, and every browser will support it forever, I hope. (Until it gets the <ISINDEX> treatment, I suppose, since the current generation of web standards writers seem to regard the idea of platform stability with extreme contempt.) You cannot escape this simply by redefining what you consider 'the web' to be. (file:// is even 'world wide', to some extent. On computers with AFS installed, all URIs beginning with file:///afs/ will always resolve to the exact same files.) -- dpk (David P. Kendal) · Nassauische Str. 36, 10717 DE · http://dpk.io/ If one meets a powerful person […] one can ask five questions: what power do you have; where did you get it; in whose interests do you exercise it; to whom are you accountable; and, how can we get rid of you? Anyone who cannot answer the last of those questions does not live in a democratic system. — Tony Benn, Commons deb., 16 Nov. 1998