Though I've not looked at WingS at all ... I am really enjoying working with wicket because it feels less like mucking around with tags (whether xml or xhtml), and more like actual bare-knuckles programming.

That being said, I don't really get a warm fuzzy about having *all* of my page represented by wicket, as this can, and most likely would... get extremely verbose. While I enjoy coding in Swing most times, if I can avoid using LayoutManager's and other such constructs, I'm much happier.

From working with wicket, I get the distinct feeling of writing just enough html, and coding just enough java, and avoiding xml (for the most part all-together), that I don't feel like hurting anyone when I'm done. =)

Programmers work in Java, Designers work in HTML, wicket follows the separation of concerns fairly eloquently.

On Dec 11, 2005, at 7:45 PM, Christopher Gardner wrote:

I posted this to the ServerSide in the recent article on wingS.  How
would you sell wicket, which requires a physical HTML page, over
wingS, which I think does not?
While I've looked at wicket 1.1 very closely, I've only read the
documentation for wingS 2.0.  Both intrigue me, and I'm trying to make
up my mind which product I might pursue.  With wicket you have to
create a web page.  It appears with wingS, however, the web page is
generated by the servlet.  If that is true, it seems wingS honors the
DRY principle (i.e., the page object and its components are the only
thing needed to represent the page).  Why would one choose one product
over the other?

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