Ottomata added a comment.

> In my recollection of the discussion & the log you linked to, the question of 
> which REST producer proxy to use was left open.

I think you may be referring to the first link of the meetbot notes, which was 
ended before we stopped discussing.  Starting at [19:17:26] <robla> in the chat 
logs <>, 
it seems clear to me that the consensus is that unless there are good reasons 
to ditch something that already does most of what this project is about, then 
we should adapt what we are already using.  If I'm mistaken, please correct me.

> if you have something based on EventLogging soon then we can consider using 
> that too. Lets just make sure that the APIs are compatible & make sense in 
> the longer term.

Getting closer here <>, need some help 
on the API big time.  Will also need to revisit some meta schema design things 
over on to make things easier for 

> Our priority is to get basic events into Kafka before the end of this month, 
> so that we can start building on top of this for change propagation

@gwicke, I think this may be a problem.  From my perspective, the goal of this 
project is a generalized event service with well designed and standardized 
schemas for all of WMF.  For this MVP, we have chosen to model change events 
because that is what you are interested in.  This is an 'MVP', and will likely 
require iteration after the first deployment.  I don't think having a live 
services production goal based on this is realistic.

> FWIW, one does not exclude the other: the EL-based service can be used in 
> production, while the node-based REST proxy may be used for development 
> and/or small installs.

That is one of the reasons for sticking with EventLogging.  It is already 
useable by small installs without Kafka.



To: Ottomata
Cc: RobLa-WMF, brion, intracer, Smalyshev, mark, MZMcBride, Krinkle, 
EBernhardson, bd808, Joe, dr0ptp4kt, madhuvishy, Nuria, ori, faidon, aaron, 
GWicke, mobrovac, Eevans, Ottomata, Matanya, Aklapper, JAllemandou, jkroll, 
Hardikj, Wikidata-bugs, Jdouglas, aude, Deskana, Manybubbles, daniel, Mbch331, 
Jay8g, Ltrlg, jeremyb, Legoktm

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