This notability guideline for geographic features, both current and
historical, will indeed be a cornestone for building upon Wikidata!

It would not include all man-made structures yet, but I hope that would be
the trend.

I hope we can develop tools and technologies to bridge the data between
OSM/OHM and Wikidata.


2014-03-20 11:51 GMT+02:00 Andy Mabbett <>:

> On 20 March 2014 06:58, Susanna Ånäs <> wrote:
> [Snip other interesting stuff; CCs again trimmed]
> > Do the notability guidelines of Wikimedia allow storing only important
> > places?
> English Wikipedia has a de facto guideline of considering any
> settlement which is on a reliable and independent map or gazetteer to
> be notable enough to have an article; (the current draft proposal to
> formalise this is at <>
> Wikidata notability guidelines accept anything with a Wikipedia
> article (in any language) *or* which is "a clearly identifiable
> conceptual or material entity. The entity must be notable, in the
> sense that it can be described using serious and publicly available
> references."
> --
> Andy Mabbett
> @pigsonthewing
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