On 20 March 2014 12:51, Andrew Gray <andrew.g...@dunelm.org.uk> wrote:
> AIUI, currently, Wikidata can add:
> * language-specific labels (ie alternative names)
> * language-independent properties (strings or relationships)
> Properties can have modifiers such as date, labels can't. So there's a
> bit of a challenge here - we would be able to construct a field that
> says "historic name : Warschau (date:1939-45)", but this would be
> shown as a historic name in Polish, German, English, Chinese...

There's a language modifer, P407, for properties. So you'd have

   historic name:   Warschau
                          date: 1939-45
                          language: German

(or whatever)

Andy Mabbett

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