Am 28.05.2014 11:44, schrieb Markus Krötzsch:
> This one point requires a tiny remark: there is no problem in OWL or RDF to 
> use
> the same URI as a property, an individual, and a class in different contexts.
> The only thing that OWL (DL) forbids is to use one property for literal values
> (like string) and for object values (like other items), but this would not 
> occur
> in our case anyway since we have clearly defined types. I completely agree 
> with
> all the rest :-)

Yea, I didn't mean to say that there is an issue with representing this in RDF,
but with mapping to RDF vocabularies. Having a relatively limited and stable set
of properties to map makes that a lot easier.

-- daniel

Daniel Kinzler
Senior Software Developer

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