On 09.09.2014 11:47, Thomas Douillard wrote:
The composite item seems to be a sort of composite geographical/human
system, like an ecosystem (community of living organisms together with
the nonliving components of their environment)
https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q37813 a special kind of ecosystem maybe ...

There are certainly cases where such an interpretation is possible. But there are also cases where the composite is just a decision to describe two related topics in a single Wikipedia article, without this having any deeper meaning. Normally it is easy to tell from the Wikipedia article: for example, if it starts with "Wangeroog is a composite socio-geographic system" then this is what we should adhere to ;-). If not, then we should not interpret it in this way. The Wikipedia article should be our "grounding" that fully explains what an item is about. We should not invent new meanings in the transition from Wikipedia to Wikidata.



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