Dear Dr. Wayne,

I can imagine how humiliating the situation to you. Hope the publishers will
come out with an erratum.

On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 8:48 AM, Wayne Mackintosh <> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> Never a dull moment in the free culture world. Ordinarily -- I would not
> post public notifications around potential misunderstandings or oversights
> by a publisher. However, I find myself facing an ethical dilemma.
> Particularly since today I'm been commenting considerably on my personal
> ethics and views associated with the non-commercial restriction on our
> national New Zealand MLE list.
> I was recently invited to write the forward for a new publication -- a book
> of tweets on open text books. Great idea, very cool and appropriate for our
> times. In response to the invite, my very first question was was:
> "More than happy to provide a "tweet" -- what license will you be
> publishing the book under?"
> Response:
> "We will be doing this under Creative Commons - Attribution - Share Alike
> license-
> That is the current plan.  Any interest in co-authoring?"
> My response:
> "I always check that anything I write is published under a free cultural
> works approved license :-)  I would love to co-author"
> So I do my bit, read the text, write a short forward and contribute a
> tweet.  I now see that the book has been published under a CC-BY-NC-SA
> license -- which is very unfortunate, because I think its a great text and
> it seems that there has been an oversight in attributing my contributions
> under a license which meets the free cultural works definition which was a
> condition of my contribution. (See:
> I've asked
> the publishes to print and distribute an erratum indicating that my personal
> contributions are licensed under CC-BY-SA on the basis of our original
> agreement. I'm confident that they will do the right thing.
> When I submitted my tweet, I wrote:
> "This is licensed under CC-BY which will enable a derivative under
> CC-BY-SA."  I did this work during official time, and my employers IP policy
> requires that I release my work under a default CC-BY license."
> If there were any communications from the publisher in the interim about
> changing the license -- I missed these ;-(. Moreover, for the record, I
> would not have agreed to having anything I write published under an NC
> license.
> It's ironic that while the book carries a NC restriction -- the
> international public can purchase the texts, hard copy or ebook for a listed
> price of $19.95 or $14,95 and see that currently some discount applies.
> Anway -- this is a public announcement that my forward is licensed under a
> CC-BY-SA license and my tweet - No 31 is openly licensed under a free
> cultural works approved license (CC-BY) in this case. The publisher was free
> to add an NC restriction on the tweet - -but has omitted to attribute the
> source :-(.  For the record, both versions of the texts I submitted are
> licensed under a CC-BY license. You are free to take these texts, reuse
> them, adapt them, modify them and if you like sell them :-)
> Cheers
> Wayne
> --
> Wayne Mackintosh <>, Ph.D.
> Director OER Foundation <>
> Director, International Centre for Open Education,
> Otago Polytechnic, New Zealand.
> Founder and elected Community Council Member, 
> Wikieducator<>
> Mobile +64 21 2436 380
> Skype: WGMNZ1
> Twitter: OERFoundation, Mackiwg
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Warm regards


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