I am going to try to say this politely.
1. How, exactly, are white males unqualified to discuss the Friendly Space 
Policy because of their/our identity as white males? And are you certain that 
everyone who has so far participated in this discussion is a white male?
2. A public discussion is already happening. Whether the discussion should 
happen in a different venue is certainly OK to ask, but I see no reason to 
attrempt to silence the discussion so long as it generally remains on a topic 
of public importance.

( ) 

 From: Philip Kopetzky
Sent: 30 July 2018 09:01
To: Wikimania general list (open subscription)
Subject: Re: [Wikimania-l] Friendly Space Policy (was: Sad news) Guys, can you 
please take any discussion among you white males to Wikimedia-l if you still 
feel the need to discuss this amongst you? You can't force a public debate, 
especially wheb Asaf and Lilli have already stated the obvious. 
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