Indeed! It is Euro-centric thinking. If I booked a flight today to come to 
Wikimania, it would cost me AUD 2218 (USD 1539). If you look at the 
whole-of-event cost (that is, not worrying about who is paying for any 
particular component), then for an international event, the flights costs are 
the dominant cost for any destination you choose.


Regarding unbundling the coast, I would agree though that it should be possible 
to unbundle some of the costs. I know from running events myself that when 
using a hotel as the conference venue, that generally they want to do a package 
deal of room hire and catering. If you try to unbundle these costs to make the 
meals optional for some attendees, they will then price the separate components 
at a higher rate so that it becomes a financial disincentive to the conference 
overall to take that option. So that kind of unbundling is unlikely to work as 
it allows some people to opt-out and save money at the expense of those who 
choose to opt in (that is, it’s not neutral on other people if you opt out). 
But you can more easily make the offsite activities a separate charge as they 
are generally not bound up in the main venue deal, although again there may be 
economies of scale in the pricing for a larger number of guests or if you want 
exclusive use of the venue, you may have to commit to a certain number of 
people attending etc. So again it’s not a completely neutral matter but as the 
offsite parties are not the primary reason for attending Wikimaina, then such 
events can be more reasonably positioned as an “optional” extra without 
subsidisation from others. Also give  the wide range of people who attend 
Wikimania, I can imagine the off-site parties are not to everyone else’s taste 
in any case (as much as I enjoy a glass of alcohol, I realise that participants 
from other cultures/religions may not want to participate in a nightclub style 
party), so if we want Wikimania to be inclusive, perhaps we should make these 
events optional for that reason alone.




From: Wikimania-l [] On Behalf Of 
effe iets anders
Sent: Sunday, 2 June 2019 5:44 AM
To: Tisza Gergő <>
Cc: Wikimania general list (open subscription) <>
Subject: Re: [Wikimania-l] Wikimania 2019 Early Bird Registration is Now Open!




On Sat, Jun 1, 2019 at 5:20 AM Tisza Gergő < 
<> > wrote:

On Sat, Jun 1, 2019 at 1:12 PM effe iets anders < 
<> > wrote:

I would even argue that for by far most people, the registration cost will not 
be the limiting factor - other components of the trip would likely be (unless 
they are local to Stockholm, maybe). The travel to Stockholm alone will 
outweigh this fee by a factor of 2, maybe 4 for most, and a week of 
accommodation with the remaining dinners will probably set you back at least 
the same amount (if you go very low budget). 


Those estimates are way off. Most of our volunteer base is in Europe, where 
flight costs are typically below $100; you can find accomodation in the 
immediate vicinity of the conference for $200 (and you can probably go way 
cheaper with hostels, or by being in a more distant part of the city); if you 
actually want to go very low budget and skip on restaurants / pubs / etc, food 
costs are minimal (and obviously people do need to eat outside of Stockholm as 
well, so it's not really an extra spending). So the conference fee would be 
about half of your total costs.


That depends what you're using as your base, of course. I'm trying to think a 
little beyond our traditional community, which is why I was talking about 
'people'. Even if we would take a highly Eurocentric approach and only think 
about Europeans without any visa requirements, living nearby airports that are 
well-connected to Stockholm (mind you, these are quite a few assumptions we're 
making), we would be talking about airfare of often more than $100, 
accommodation for $200 would still be on the low end of the spectrum (six 
nights, hostels cost $31 per night, although there are a few further away that 
cost less), you would still have to include all kinds of smaller expenses 
though (dinners that will definitely more expensive than at home. Are you 
planning to take public transportation or walk for a few hours each day? Will 
you join in evening events and buy a drink? Do you plan to get a data plan for 
your phone?) And let's not forget that you have to take a week off to be able 
to attend the conference and pre-conference. 

All in all, I am pretty confident that even for these well-connected Europeans, 
the conference fee will be a smaller part of the amount that traveling will 
cost them. Finding a cheaper hotel than the recommended hotel (at $115/night) 
would definitely do a good job at that.



There are two ways that our movement can try to address this hurdle: one way 
would be to reduce the price even further for everyone, the other is to provide 
help for some people to overcome all these financial hurdles. I personally 
prefer that we spend more on scholarships (travel, accommodation and 
registration) rather than even further subsidizing the registration fee for all 
other participants.


So are we actually spending more on scholarships?

There is no consistent reporting on scholarships (nor any other aspect of 
Wikimania for that matter) but some wiki archeology gives:

- 2012: 87 full + 47 partial per [1]

- 2013: 62 full + 18 partial (which apparently somehow adds up to 86...) per [2]

- 2014: 109 per [3]

- 2015: 110 per [4]

- 2016: 88 full + 35 partial + 6 additional (whatever that means) per [5] ([6] 
claims 99 full)

- 2017: 81 full + 17 partial per [5]

- 2018: 125 full + 16 partial per [5]

- 2019: 96 full + 20 partial per [5]

So it seems like the higher price of the conference was indeed offset somewhat 
by a slightly higher number of scholarships in 2018, but that is not the case 
for 2019. (Granted this is WMF only, and a significant part of scholarships 
tend to come from affiliates, but it's even harder to find data on that.)


(I should probably disclose that I'm a partial scholarship recipient, although 
I doubt it would affect my argument if I weren't)

This focus on scholarships is not a new thing - I'm happy that the WMF has 
chosen to support them for a long time now. And indeed there is a significant 
bump from mostly European chapters that help volunteers to attend (a big chunk 
of them being from their own country). 


You're claiming that this year is a higher rate than usual, I don't think this 
is actually true. Some context:

- 2016: 500 euro, but this included accommodation and full board

- 2017: 315 CAD (~233 USD)

- 2018: 275 USD


In that sense, this fee is quite in range from the past few years (I was not 
motivated enough to go back to earlier years). Some years were indeed cheaper, 
especially if located in a country with lower incomes, and when the express 
purpose was to get more locals/regionals to attend (Mexico, Hong Kong) that 
might otherwise not have been able to. 


My point is: if we're not willing to spend even more donor money on this 
conference than we already do, we need to make choices. You could choose to 
make the conference less fancy (although the opportunities to cut costs are 
limited in that field, I understand), you could stop offering lunch and 
refreshments or you could cut in scholarships (which is a huge chunk of our 
budget as a movement regarding this conference). I wouldn't mind making the 
event 'less fancy' if that would actually bring down the cost significantly, 
although all attempts at that in the past were met with complaints too. But I 
don't think it is feasible to cut on things that make up the main budget items. 
Unfortunately, I'm currently unable to find reliable and publicly available 
budgets for Wikimania from recent years, so I have to work from recollection. 









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