On 11-01-08 03:47 PM, Alan Walker wrote:
> The web site is hung up by two issues:
> 1)  Can we use the Wikimedia Canada logo yet?
> 2)  Can we use the wikimedia.ca <http://wikimedia.ca> name without
> offending anyone if the former is not yet approved.
> I was hoping 1 and 2 would be resolved by now, but the future with the
> chapers committee seems unclear to me.  Otherwise it is ready to go.
>  Membership processing has not been looked at as we do not have a bank
> account yet.  However, a strategy will need to be planned that I presume
> will be discussed at a future board meeting.

Since Ray is *on* the Chapters Committee, have you asked him? Or, of
course, you might ask someone else on the committee if he feels he
should recuse himself from such a question.


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