I believe the relevant passage of text is this one:

"Wikimedia Foundation wiki has always been uniquely governed among the family 
of Wikimedia wikis, with decision-making
authority historically placed with the WMF itself due to its purpose
(hosting of official documents like bylaws, IRS tax returns, Board
resolutions, staff listings, official WMF communications of various kinds,
etc.). While the Board was described as the decision-making authority for
content disputes before the organization had paid staff, in day-to-day
practice, staff members are now helping to maintain and post many of those

Consistent with this, my goal was to ensure that the function of a wiki
adminstrator, which is often identified with community self-governance, is
clearly mapped against the governance model of the site: the organization,
with that function delegated to staff members in day-to-day practice, is
directly responsible for making and arbitrating decisions on the Wikimedia
Foundation’s website. This does not preclude volunteers from being granted
administrative-level access where a project requires it and where we have a
good working relationship that makes this possible. However, I wanted to
create clarity as early and possible, and therefore requested that
administrator accounts initially be limited to staff."

Steve Zhang
Sent from my iPad

On 26/05/2013, at 6:04 PM, "Federico Leva (Nemo)" <nemow...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Steve Zhang, 26/05/2013 09:08:
>> Gayle explained her reasons in the email she sent to this list around 3
>> days ago, [...]
> Ah. I didn't notice, can you please quote the relevant passage[s]? Maybe I 
> missed some, it was a very long message and its purpose didn't seem to 
> explain reasons for the action.
> Nemo
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