A question in relation to funding that hasn't yet been answered, and needs
to be before 1 cent of funds is handed out by the FDC.

As part of the WMF's "report" on Belfer, Sue Gardner stated:[1]

"In the future, the Wikimedia Foundation will not support or endorse the
creation of paid roles that have article writing as a core focus,
regardless of who is initiating or managing the process."

This lead to Fae asking specific questions,[2] which have as yet gone

I have asked several people who were in Berlin whether this was discussed,
and (not) surprisingly, it wasn't -- totally ignored, it never happened, it
was never said, etc seems to be how the chapters and other FDC-reliant
organisations have reacted to it.

Can chapters please advise what "paid editing" positions are planned, and
whether those positions will be covered as part of "movement" funds, or
whether outside organisations will be covering such positions, because the
WMF Executive Director's words are pretty clear, and the "movement" should
not be putting one cent into such positions.



[2] http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikimedia-l/2014-April/070834.html
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