The comment is a little bit partial.

The governance is partially connected with the local system law. In some countries no profit association are linked to strict parameters and the governance is not an option. I don't know personally the system law of France, but I suppose that it's weaker than in other countries.

The last point is connected with the point of privileges which are, at the opposite, balanced by stricter parameters than user groups.

Chapters have some obligations compensated by few privileges, and honestly the state of User Group is at the moment the easiest way to get an official recognition by WMF.

It's sufficient to check how many user groups have been created recently and how many chapters to define clearly if there is a "marginalization of alternatives".

Kind regards

On 04/08/2017 09:55, Leigh Thelmadatter wrote:
The current situation (further) demonstrates a huge weakness in the current 
system of the governance of local communities. The problems being discussed 
here are far from unique to Wikimedia France and can be seen not only in other 
affiliates, but also in the long-festering problems of the administration of 
Wikimedia projects. As Rogol and others note... the Foundation has it hands 
tied to a large degree because of both legal and ideological concerns. But this 
means that individuals and small groups of people are able to work the system 
to their advantage, with little to no accountability to either their local 
communities or to the overall movement.

As for the idea of forming alternate organizations, that is easier said than 
done. I speak from my experience with Wiki Learning Tec de Monterrey. It took 
us almost 2 years to get approval from AffCom as a user group among other 
struggles. The privileges that chapters have in particular allow for 
marginalization of alternatives.

From: Wikimedia-l <> on behalf of Rogol 
Domedonfors <>
Sent: Thursday, August 3, 2017 11:38:01 PM
To: Wikimedia Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Wikimedia-l] Update on Wikimédia France

If the Foundation is seen to be directing the activities of a chapter at
the proposed level of micro-management then it would jeopardise the legal
status both of the Foundation (in terms of their safe harbour status) and
of the chapter (as an independent and charitable body).  The Foundation is
free to fund or not fund, to recognise or derecognise.  But not to control.

Ilario Valdelli
Wikimedia CH
Verein zur Förderung Freien Wissens
Association pour l’avancement des connaissances libre
Associazione per il sostegno alla conoscenza libera
Switzerland - 8008 Zürich
Tel: +41764821371

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