Certainly the projects have a role beyond content—in particular, they, not the 
foundation, are what the public sees. They are what it is needed to publicise 
(I don’t like to use the term “marketing “ — that’s the way the foundation 
speaks) and this is a key role of the chapters. 

The obvious role of the foundation, besides the basic central services, is to 
deal with its natural counterparts—formal organisations such as governments and 
copyright agencies.

I recognise the need for coordination and the possible need to intervene to 
maintain minimum standards. But these are historically dangerous roles, for 
“protection “ against potential forces that might oppose our values has an 
ominous potential  also.—
Obviously I speak only for myself—assume the appropriate qualifications before 
every phrase 

> On Jul 10, 2021, at 11:33 AM, Ciell Wikipedia <ciell.wikipe...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Bill/Will mentioned this might be a new organisational chart of the Wikimedia 
> Foundation. Of course, visuals differ depending on what you are trying to 
> visualize.
> This one for instance would be more along the lines of what you, Dgg, are 
> mentioning: how the different parties are involved in our projects. This one 
> would be more about how content on the projects is governed, and the 
> different layers in responsibilities we have. This one is more about how 
> content is added to projects (example in this case: Wikimedia Commons): this 
> is a visualisation on the parties that re-use our content outside of the 
> projects. 
> It would probably be impractical (or impossible even?) to put everything in 
> one visual without the purpose of the illustration becoming too broad, and 
> the chart or visual therefore surpassing its purpose (visual support for a 
> concept).
> Vriendelijke groet,
> Ciell
> Op vr 9 jul. 2021 om 23:16 schreef Dggenwp <dgge...@gmail.com>:
>> The projects are the route by  which content is added to Wikipedia. The 
>> purpose of Wikipedia is not to have an organisation—the purpose  is to have 
>> and distribute free content. Everything else is superstructure—everything 
>> except the individual volunteers and the projects. This superstructure can 
>> be important, but not essential — the volunteers are capable of organising 
>> themselves and maintaining the projects. The foundation by itself is capable 
>> of almost nothing, as it doesn’t add content. The chapters are of value, 
>> primarily in recruiting contributors—without that, they’d just be social 
>> clubs. 
>> The volunteers and the projects to which they add content are what matters. 
>> The three key functions of the organisation are maintaining MediaWiki  (but 
>> that’s a volunteer effort also) in raising the small amount of essential 
>> funding, and the critically important political work of supporting freedom 
>> of the internet and of speech more generally. But our influence for this is 
>> because people in the world use the content the volunteers add to the 
>> projects. The structure must be organised around them. We are here to build 
>> an encyclopaedia.
>>>> On Jul 7, 2021, at 12:59 AM, Željko Blaće <zbl...@mi2.hr> wrote:
>>> On Tuesday, July 6, 2021, Ciell Wikipedia <ciell.wikipe...@gmail.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Thank you Bill, I always find organisation charts very much enlightening, 
>>>> and have been missing something like it for the WMF for some time now.
>>> I feel the same. We need much much more of diagramatic content and higher 
>>> level of organizational understanding for all Wikimedia contributors. 
>>>> I think all the departments of the WMF-side are equal, right? For 
>>>> instance, legal has no higher 'status' then fundraising or research: 
>>>> employees are equals, just with a different function in the 
>>>> organisation.Therefore all the different departments should be presented 
>>>> in a horizontal line, not a vertical one, like in this one for example.
>>> Kind of good point, but maybe scale (same size) is enough to represent 
>>> equals, rather than direction/orientation? Not an expert.
>>> BTW. 
>>> .svg file export would be best 
>>> for the posibility of translation 
>>> within Wikimedia Commons ;-)
>>> Best, Z.
>>>> Vriendelijke groet,
>>>> Ciell
>>>> Op di 6 jul. 2021 om 01:03 schreef Bill Takatoshi 
>>>> <billtakato...@gmail.com>:
>>>>> Earlier today I tried to predict what the WMF org chart will look
>>>>> like, but I wasn't confident about my suggestion, so I created a new
>>>>> email account, subscribed it to wikimedia-l, and tried to send from
>>>>> there. I learned that new subscribers are moderated, which seems
>>>>> sensible given the level of trolling and disruption, and have since
>>>>> improved the prediction and become more confident about it. I have
>>>>> since learned that HTML email with embedded email attachments aren't
>>>>> allowed either, so, Moderators, please reject my earlier anonymous
>>>>> submission(s).
>>>>> This is what I predict the Wikimedia organizational chart will look
>>>>> like in one year's time:
>>>>>  https://i.ibb.co/HPzpqLt/WMF-orgchart.png
>>>>> Please critique it! If you are running for the Board of Directors, I
>>>>> am especially interested in your critique of this prediction.
>>>>> Thank you!
>>>>> -Will
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