2008/11/19 Zero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> "Participatory Culture in Australia" or sounds fine, even though it's
> a bit long. Maybe have "A Guide to" in a smaller font size above it. I
> was thinking "Free Culture" instead of "Participatory Culture" seeing
> as that's what Creative Commons is, but I'm not sure what the
> differences between those two terms are. It'll be defined in the book
> anyway, right?

Uhm....maybe :)

For "free culture" we can probably find something like a definition
from Lessig. I'm pretty sure Participatory Culture doesn't have a

As I was thinking about these things I found myself liking the term
Participatory Culture more and more. Because why is having freedom-
and open- things important? Open source software is not most important
so that we can read the source. It's most important because we have
the freedom to change it. Wikipedia is not most important because it's
available freely. It's most important because we can edit, we can
change it.

CC of course includes licenses that are neither Free nor Participatory
- any NoDerivatives clause sees to that. But there is significant
overlap of course.

Anyway as  I said I'm not super sold on any title just yet...

> Anyway, does anyone else think the end of December isn't much time,
> with the amount proposed? I'm not saying we should hurry (or maybe I
> am,) but hopefully we have enough manpower to finish this. It'll be a
> great start to the chapter.

Well, the good thing is that it is a collection of distinct topics.
And each topic will only be 1 A5 page (maybe 2 max). So if we don't
finish that many topics, then we just make it a smaller booklet. No

2008/11/19 Liam Wyatt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On another note:  in the primer planning page -
> http://wikimedia.org.au/wiki/Participatory_Culture_Primer
> What is the significance of the "T= technology, G= government C=culture,
> E=education"

Oh, I was just trying to see if I could roughly group topics, then
they could be arranged in different sections. Don't think that was
very successful. There's too much overlap!

> In your terminology - do you need a free (beer) v. Free (speech) comparison?

Not sure what you mean by this. If you are suggesting a page
explaining the distinction, that is probably a good idea, maybe with
some other terminology. Perhaps a glossary.


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