Is this suggestion because we are dissatisfied with the dozens if not
hundreds and thousands of instructional videos already available? Maybe the
suggestion is for Australian accent and language versions? A series in an
Indigenous language would be remarkable! Or perhaps the suggestion is to
create videos about Australia related projects and interest groups? In
which case its a good suggestion. I for one would benefit from a video
overview of the things going on. I have a few videos on my channel
outlining Wikiversity work. And know of others looking at Wikinews.
On 21/07/2013 8:44 AM, "Kerry Raymond" <> wrote:

>  In ****
> ** **
> ****
> ** **
> Tony1 also suggests instructional videos to reinforce edit training and/or
> to replace it. He asks is “is it too ambitious”? Because of the WMF’s
> enthusiasm for metrics, it does drive our thinking towards “low-hanging
> fruit” projects. ****
> ** **
> Edit training workshops are a good example of this “low hanging” fruit
> problem. We know we can run a certain number of edit training sessions, we
> know that with the help of our GLAM partners, we can probably get a certain
> attendance, we know that attendees seem to enjoy their day of edit training
> (based on feedback forms) – so that’s a nice measurable success for a nice
> project that we should keep doing. Could we put the effort instead into
> instructional videos? Obviously instructional videos could potentially
> reach a massive international audience, far greater than maybe the 100-200
> people we can train each year through workshops, but maybe they would be
> absolutely zero downloads/views. So the risk/return profile of videos is
> much higher (we can both succeed and fail more spectacularly) than for edit
> training.****
> ** **
> Also we struggle to find volunteers among WMAU members and the Australian
> WP community for our edit training workshops as our library partners like
> to run these events on weekdays (incompatible with people’s work lives).
> Would we find it more-or-less easy to get people to prepare instructional
> videos which they could at 3am in their pyjamas if they wanted? I don’t
> know. What are the relative costs? Well, edit training generally has travel
> costs, but we’d probably need to spend some money on professional tools for
> making instructional videos (screen-capture and video-editing software) and
> perhaps some training on how to use them effectively.****
> ** **
> So what do we do? Low-risk/return edit training workshop or
> higher-risk/return edit training videos? Of course in the ideal world of
> infinite resources we can do both, but we don’t live in that world
> (“everything costs something” as my former Vice-Chancellor used to say).**
> **
> ** **
> Aside. In regard to edit training in any form, we have a practical problem
> in relation to the progressive rollout of increasing functionality of the
> visual editor. This impacts on our existing edit training workshop
> materials (slides and manuals) and would impact on the preparation of
> videos. But my question here is more philosophical about the risk/return
> model of what we do.****
> ** **
> Kerry****
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
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