Hi all

I agree with the previous e-mails and I think it would be great to
have more pictures from material from our museums. I actually wanted
to pose a specific request for a project we are doing with several
organizations. We usually organize the Public Domain Day on Jan 1 in
Zurich in the Cabaret Voltaire. You can see some impressions from the
last one here:


Wikimedia CH also supported us.

1.1.2011 the works of Paul Klee will fall into the "International"
Public Domain. In Switzerland they are already in the Public Domain.
The Paul Klee Museum is in Bern and it would be great if somebody
could actually make some pictures of his paintings. I would help with
asking them about the permission.


Some pictures are already available:
It would be great to have some pictures with an incredible high
resolution. (Mario: Can you provide an example :-) )

We are also looking for persons helping with the event and welcome
ideas for the event.


On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 4:09 PM, Ilario Valdelli <valde...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 8:16 PM, Rama Neko <raman...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> In the recent months, there have been a number of projets in which a
>> number of local chapters of Wikimedia came into contact with museums
>> and were granted access to the reserves for photographs to be
>> realised. Proeminent examples are the British Museum, and the Natural
>> history museum of Toulouse.
> We know these projects and there are also some important ones like
> that of Wikimedia Argentina with movies or that of the planned
> Wikimedia Chile with Enciclopedia Chilena or that of Wikimedia CH with
> the Encyclopédie du Monde Actuel :)
> These projects are put under the name of GLAM projects
> (http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/GLAM).
>> On a purely personal level, I have recently had a very positive
>> experience with the Military Musem of Morges, where photography is
>> allowed without a flash but where tripods are OK. You can see some of
>> the results here:
>> http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Rama/Château_de_Morges
>> I have had a little chat with one of the conservators of the museum,
>> and he was quite knowledgeable and friendly towards Wikimedia projects
>> (actually he used some of our material).
> Any members initiatives are welcome and surely Wikimedia CH board will
> support them.
> Frederic has indicated any helpful information, I would only add that
> the local chapters can support the project also advertising the
> initiative in the internal mailing lists. If these initiatives can
> establish some cultural partnerships with museums or galleries or
> archives, the support will be more and more important.
> The WM CH board is already working in some other projects for the
> 2010/2011 and for this reason we would invite the members to take some
> initiatives and to follow them, the board will be happy to collaborate
> with and to support the members of WM CH.
> Finally "Would Wikimedia-CH be interested" is correct if the question
> is addressed to all WM CH members, it is not correct if addressed to
> the board of WM CH because the board is only a "small" portion of
> Wikimedia CH. I would be happy if other Wikimedia CH members will
> write their opinion about the GLAM projects.
> Ilario
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