Dear Jimbo

Maybe you've heard that a Swiss chapter of Wikimedia is planned to be
founded. Foundation will happen in the next few months and on June 17th
there will be the first Swiss Wikipedia Day in Zurich at Swiss Federal
Institute of
Technology (ETH Zurich). The event is supposed to inform the public
about Wikipedia and to
attract new members for Wikimedia CH. For this event we are looking
for discoursers and
as you will be in Europe anyway this weekend we'd like to invite you
to give a speech.

You would be free to talk about a topic you'd like to. As we will also
ask Prof. Bertrand Meyer for a speech we could organize a discussion
about advantages and disadvantages of a wiki system with both of you.

We would be highly honored by your visit. The speeches would happen
between 10 AM and 6PM Swiss (Summer) Time (=UTC + 2h). Of course we
could bring you directly from Zurich
airport to the location which takes about half an hour. Please let us
know if you can come and what you expect from us. Do you prefer staying
in hotels or in a private accommodation at a Wikipedian?

Best Regards

Wikipedia Day 2006 Organisation Committee
Wikimediach-l mailing list

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