Michael Bimmler wrote:

> The second point is not so clear on protocol but the first and the
> second clearly state, that there needs to be a protocol, stating,
> "..." was founded IN (-> a physical lieu must be defined) and needs to
> be signed by the protocollist.

Fair enough; even if the "physical" meeting is not prescribed by the 
law, I doubt that many people would have used this option anyway.

>>As for the place -- as much as I had no preference for the postal
>>address, here I would strongly push for a central location, e.g. Bern.
> Well, I'm okay with that as well. Just ad "central": Wouldn't Lucerne
> be more central? (AFAIK nobody on this list lives in one of these two
> cities, so question is how to organise it...)

Geographically, probably (if I remember well, the exact center of 
Switzerland is somewhere in Nidwald :-), but I was reasonning in terms 
of train connections: there are direct trains to Bern from most big 
cities, definitively not to Luzern (those bloody Alps...)


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