I think people need to increase their tolerance level for what is not bad
faith or unencyclopedic on this list. It seems that just mentioning FOSS is
enough to trigger off rejoinders.


This list exists to discuss matters related to Wikimedia community at
large. Occasionally it has stuff like Indic language issues or tech issues
which I do not comprehend or particularly interest me. But that is no
reason for the thread not to exist. Similarly FOSS may come up like any
other word in some context or the other.

This whole business started because someone objected to a harmless
occurrence of the word FOSS. If that person had not reacted to that
harmless incidental use perhaps the thread would not have just got out of
control as it has.

As regards FOSS, I dont use FOSS myself but respect its use, its proponents
and principles. I came to Wikipedia because I thought its principles are
like FOSS and people friendly. But I don't do FOSS for mostly no reason at
all and I am very comfortable with this ambiguity.

If anyone doesn't like FOSS, feel completely free not to, but please don't
feel free to erupt in outburst just because someone used the F-word.

Paraphrasing a quote of Salman Rushdie :* "Free speech means I write what I
like, you read what you like, I say what I feel, you listen to what you

So I request that we may all simmer down a bit. If this continues then I
would like to join them since I cant beat them. This I shall do by getting
upset about the abhorrent word *baingan.

*I dont like the taste of Brinjal and I promise to erupt in protest
whenever the use of the term brinjal is used on this list, culinary or
otherwise. BTW got to place an AFD on [[Brinjal]]. I am NOT joking. I'm
serious, Brinjal must go!

Warm regards,

Ashwin Baindur
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