Hi Guys,

Apologies for the delayed response to your queries. I have had an
avalanche of emails to attend to this past week and just openning WMKE
Label to find it full and demanding attention too. I will try to
attend to all of your queries and shed more light on the Outreach to

GTUG =Google Technical User Group
It is a group of people who use google tools and products and who have
a common interest :-) happy?

So about the other who would love to attend the Outreach, so I have
been working on the Activities for the outreach and so far I would
love to see who will be willing to help with carrying out Trainings
and hands on Wikipedia and related Wikimedia projects in the following

1. Introduction to Wikip/media
2.Hands on Training on Editing Wikipedia
3. Beyond Editing ( contributing to Wikip/media projects i.e Commons,
Wikifying, Anti-Vandalism, Translations etc

So since we are going 3 to Mombasa, let me who is willing to take what
and we are good

Best regards,

Limoke Oscar,

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