2009/8/11 geni <geni...@gmail.com>:
> 2009/8/10 Michael Peel <em...@mikepeel.net>:
>> Hi all,
>> Anyone interested in the below? As I understand it, they want to
>> cover the range of philosophies on Wikipedia - they already have
>> people involved with an inclusionist or middle-ist point of view, but
>> no-one from a deletionist viewpoint.
>> Thanks,
>> Mike
> Could be tricky. Classic deletionism is largely a spent force to the
> point where the deletion/inclusion argument isn't anywhere near the
> conflict it used to be. What do they need from those who take part?
> Heh I would still tend to identify as a deletionist but for somewhat
> different reasons than classic deletionism.

That's what I was thinking - there are very few people that actually
fall neatly into one of those categories. If they portray Wikipedia as
having a deletion/inclusion divide it will be rather misleading. We've
pretty much reached a consensus on what it means to be notable, it's
just how to apply that to individual cases that gives us material for
our much loved dramas.

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