Michael Peel wrote:
> On 25 Nov 2009, at 12:53, Michael Peel wrote:
>> I've had no other calls/emails from any other media organizations
>> about this story.
> I perhaps shouldn't have said that. ;-) I've since spoken to the  
> press association:
> "Wikipedia UK 'definitely not dying'"
> http://www.google.com/hostednews/ukpress/article/ 
> ALeqM5hOPGxuYbADpVcf_j_YveKyuzHm1A
> (I've phoned them to explain that Wikipedia UK is the Ukranian  
> language one, and encouraging them to change the headline...)
> I've also just spoken to the Daily Mirror about this topic, so expect  
> an article from them soon...
> Mike
I shortened that link....


I have not read the reports, or the actual research, but what does 
"leave" actually?

Some people make a statement, others just stop editing.


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