On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 8:36 PM, Daniel Friesen
<li...@nadir-seen-fire.com> wrote:
> I read a note before that someone caught Microsoft's Bing making a
> number of requests to their site with a UA that makes it look like ie6
> and inflates stats.
> http://opengameart.org/forumtopic/dear-microsoft

Someone from Microsoft told this guy that they spoof the UA because
some sites won't give content to UAs they don't recognise, including
the msnbot:


All the examples of spoofed IE 6 strings I could find included Windows
NT 5.2 (ie, Windows Server 2003) in the UA; this OS is currently 0.64%
of requests:


Here's someone talking about a Bing bot transcoding mobile sites that
also spoofs IE 6:


Note that along with the UA header is a Via header with "1.1
WTRSCP19911". Presumably that's the shorthand for the transcoder
service. I wonder if msnbot also gives a Via header along with the
spoofed UA?

Stephen Bain

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