On 08-04-2014 19:29, Jared Zimmerman wrote:
I don't really have the energy to keep having this conversation, I
appreciate that everyone has taken the time to weigh in on this whatever
you opinion is on the matter.

I am sorry you feel that way. But I have to make one thing clear:

This is not an aestethic issue. This is a *technical* one.

I do appriciate all the work the designers have done and I do believe the new typography is in essense very well thought out.

However, its *technical* implementation is severy flawed.

It has caused many non-latin projects to force them to override the global font stack in their local CSS to reset it to sans-serif, because parts of their site have become unreadable or illegible. That makes this a *breaking change*, and as such, *must* be reverted.

I do not accept that there will be a "few" readers left with issues; our primary goal is legibility. And if legibility is damaged on a world-wide encyclopedia, how can you even *think* about defending a breaking change?

Erwin Dokter

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