Jason Appah wrote:
> Also on the subject, do you all cap per user bandwidth?
> 1) What do people use who do bandwith cap? 2) Do you Bandwith Cap?
> Why or Why Not?

If you feel the need for deep packet inspection, which we use to
prioritize some traffic over others, etc. while maintaining volume-based
limits, have a look at the Procera Packetlogic.

Celebrating the 150th anniversary of the publication of the Origin of
-- Cal Frye, Network Administrator, Oberlin College
   Mudd Library, x.56930 -- CIT will NEVER ask you for your password!

   www.calfrye.com,  www.pitalabs.com

"Drink! for you know not when you came, nor why; Drink! for you know not
why you go, nor where." --- Omar Khayyan, The Rubiay'at.

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