We considered something like this (wired and wireless) for another reason .. so 
that students weren't using the Internet while sitting in classes when they 
SHOULDN'T be using the Internet.  But we decided against it because we were 
concerned about the students who blow off "class A" because they are working on 
a project for "class B".  In the end, they have to be responsible for 
themselves.  We DO have scripts set up so that a faculty member can kill wired 
ports in a classroom for a set period of time.  Since wireless doesn't contain 
it's signal to a single room, we decided not to extend that service to the 
wireless network.


From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv 
Sent: Friday, April 01, 2011 12:22 PM
Subject: [WIRELESS-LAN] Wireless to the Rescue...


University of Tennessee has had some class attendance issues lately,
especially with Sophomores.
We came up with a location based wireless solution that could fix this issue.
We have built a database of rooms surrounding Access-Points that we correlate
with a class roster. Basically if a student is supposed to be in room x at time 
our filtering only allows the student access to a set of access points 
surrounding that room during that time.
No wireless elsewhere.
Dormitories are included in the algorithm.

If you are doing something similar, we would like to know some of the caveats.


Philippe Hanset
University of TN
(Constituent Group Leader of Wireless-LAN@educause)

(what's the date?)
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