That's just not right. These people are adults, and as such, should be able to 
decide on their own if they are going to attend class. The college is not their 
parents, and it's not a daycare. This is a behavior issue with needs 
addressing, and disabling the technology is not the answer. What's next, 
disable WiFi if that don't take out the trash from their dorm room, or decide 
not to shower, or protest some decision the campus made, etc? Will you disable 
WiFi except in the stadium during a game, so as to force students to attend?

Something wicked this way comes, and it's at UTK. 

I'm curious, does your honor code, guide to student life, etc. state that 
attending class is mandatory? If not, how are you able to levy sanctions 
against a student for not attending (disable WiFi)?

I can see it now... Student doesn't show up for class. Said student is in 
trouble, but can't the necessary help (send email, make a skype call, etc.) 
because none of his/her devices can connect to the network. Student becomes 
seriously ill, or dies, etc. because of this new policy, and the college faces 
a huge lawsuit.

Don't get me wrong, it's an interesting technological solution, but it's still 
wrong in my book. If a student is not attending class, your dean of students 
needs to bring the student in for a discussion.


>>> "Hanset, Philippe C" <> 4/1/2011 9:22 AM >>>

University of Tennessee has had some class attendance issues lately,
especially with Sophomores.
We came up with a location based wireless solution that could fix this issue.
We have built a database of rooms surrounding Access-Points that we correlate
with a class roster. Basically if a student is supposed to be in room x at time 
our filtering only allows the student access to a set of access points 
surrounding that room during that time.
No wireless elsewhere.
Dormitories are included in the algorithm.

If you are doing something similar, we would like to know some of the caveats.


Philippe Hanset
University of TN
(Constituent Group Leader of Wireless-LAN@educause)

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