On 4/1/11 12:22 PM, Hanset, Philippe C wrote:
> University of Tennessee has had some class attendance issues lately,
> especially with Sophomores.
> We came up with a location based wireless solution that could fix this issue.
> We have built a database of rooms surrounding Access-Points that we correlate
> with a class roster. Basically if a student is supposed to be in room x at 
> time y,
> our filtering only allows the student access to a set of access points 
> surrounding that room during that time.
> No wireless elsewhere.
> Dormitories are included in the algorithm.
> If you are doing something similar, we would like to know some of the caveats.
> (what's the date?)
> **********

When we tried this, we noticed unusual traffic patterns in our bandwidth
manager. Turns out we inadvertently were encouraging "War of the Worlds
Craft" LAN parties in the lounge around the corner from the lecture hall
in question during class times :-(

They are resourceful, aren't they?

Best regards
-- Cal Frye, Network Administrator, Oberlin College
   Mudd Library, x.56930 -- CIT will NEVER ask you for your password!

   www.calfrye.com,  www.oberlin.edu/cit/

"Hey sailor, need your firmware verified?"

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