Please disregard –
Jim Florwick

From: Cisco Employee <<>>
Reply-To: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv 
Date: Monday, January 7, 2013 1:07 PM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Wireless and health issues

See this -

Jim Florwick

From: Ron Walczak 
Reply-To: "<>" 
Date: Monday, January 7, 2013 12:40 PM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Wireless and health issues

An access point max power is 100mw (usually operating at 12-25 mW) - and it is 
mounted 8' or higher
a cell phone is 750-1,000 mM and is held next to the skull.
just sayin

On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 12:15 PM, Craig Eyre 
<<>> wrote:

Hi All,

I recently had a staff member ask for a report or document stating how 
dangerous wireless is to their health. Has anyone else been asked this before 
and can you direct me or send me the info that you provided to that person or 

Thanks for any help or info on this subject.

Craig Eyre
Network Analyst
IT Services Department
Mount Royal University
4825 Mount Royal Gate SW
Calgary AB T2P 3T5

P. 403.440.5199<tel:403.440.5199>

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Ron Walczak    PMP, RCDD, CWNA/CWSP
Walczak Technology Consultants, Inc
(724) 865-2740

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