You are fighting a battle that will never be won, and even a stale-mate is 

IMHO, your best bet is to work toward abandoning 2.4. In the early days, we did 
try outreach and education, but there are just too many devices today that use 
2.4, and in many cases, users don’t even know it e.g. Apple’s Airdrop. You can 
minimize some of this by solving the reasons behind some of the interference 
sources i.e. install more WAPs to improve the service, reducing the rogue 
problem. Install residential printers to mitigate the need for student printers.

Most of our residential is now designed around dense 5 GHz, and while 2.4 is 
available, it’s mostly ignored.


on behalf of "Gray, Sean" <>
Reply-To: "" 
Date: Thursday, February 16, 2017 at 2:21 PM
Subject: [WIRELESS-LAN] 2.4GHz - educating end users about interference

Hi Fellow Wireless Wizards!

This is my first post to the group, so please be gentle.

Here at the University of Lethbridge we are about to embark on a bit of an 
education drive for all of our wireless users with regards to the 2.4GHz 
spectrum and their impact on it. Does anybody have good examples of notices, 
posters etc. that they would be willing to share, that reference the evils of 
rogues and other interference sources citing the negative impact they have on 
the wireless network. Like everyone else on this list we are seeing huge 
influxes of our friends the wireless printer, Bluetooth devices and the like…

if only we could just turn 2.4GHz off.



Sean Gray | B.Sc (Hons)
Voice, Collaboration & Wireless Network Analyst
ITS, University of Lethbridge

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