We have been using certificates for many years now, with good results.  We've 
never used EAP-PEAP.

We have two PKIs.  For administrative systems that are joined to our AD domain, 
the domain PKI automatically issues certificates that are trusted, effectively 
auto-configuring the system.  For anything else, including BYOD, we use 
Cloudpath, with it's built-in PKI.

Having the wireless authentication decoupled from the account process has been 
very helpful over the years:

  *   Fewer lockouts due to badly configured mobile devices (doesn't help with 
email clients)
  *   Account suspensions and password changes don't knock devices offline
  *   No user passwords stored for wireless configurations, or shared with 

Frank Sweetser
Director of Network Operations
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
"For every problem, there is a solution that is simple, elegant, and wrong." - 
HL Mencken

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv 
<WIRELESS-LAN@LISTSERV.EDUCAUSE.EDU> on behalf of David Morton <dmor...@uw.edu>
Sent: Friday, February 23, 2018 11:58 AM

We currently use EAP-PEAP for our eduroam/802.1x, but are now considering 
adding EAP-TLS to the mix. We have several potential PKIs that we could use, 
but all of them will take some work to get them ready for a production launch. 
Given that resources are limited, I’m looking for some data points about others 
who have moved, are thinking of moving or have decided not to adopt EAP-TLS.

To help gather some data can you please answer this short survey?

Do you:

- Support 802.1x? -

If yes, do you:

- use EAP-PEAP on campus? -

- use EAP-TLS on campus? -
- What PKI/CA do you use: -

- If both, why and is one preferred? -

- If only PEAP, are you planning EAP-TLS? -

Brief description of why you’re doing what you’re doing and anything else that 
might be helpful:

Thank you in advance


David Morton
Director, Networks & Telecommunications
Services: Wi-Fi, Wired, Telephony, Mobile & HuskyTV
University of Washington
tel 206.221.7814

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Participation and subscription information for this EDUCAUSE Constituent Group 
discussion list can be found at http://www.educause.edu/discuss.

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