This should be reason enough for a close look at TOS and pricing mechanisms. If 
your clients have to pay more for usage, then they will think twice before 
buying into this.

Fry's Electronics usually has a $20 wireless router on sale so this is not the 
only possible threat. The $20 wireless router they sell usually freezes after a 
couple of hours of heavy usage though...


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Marlon K. Schafer (509) 982-2181 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2006 08:08 AM
>Subject: [WISPA] Fw: Wireless In Washington
>For those that still think the all you can eat option is a good one :-)
>(509) 982-2181                                   Equipment sales
>(408) 907-6910 (Vonage)                    Consulting services
>42846865 (icq)                                    And I run my own wisp!
> (net meeting)
>----- Original Message -----
>This guy needs to get a job from FON. 
>      Wi-Fi Company to Sell Routers for Five Dollars
>      Monday, June 26, 2006
>           STORIES
>            .
>            Reports of Death of Dial-Up Internet Greatly Exaggerated
>      LONDON  - FON, a Spanish start-up on an ambitious crusade to turn home 
> Wi-Fi connections into wireless "hotspots" for nearby users, is set to unveil 
> on Monday a plan to hand out 1 million wireless routers for just $5 apiece.
>      FON, which aims to create a network of home users and small businesses 
> to resell wireless access to passersby, said on Sunday it will subsidize $60 
> Cisco (CSCO) Linksys or Buffalo routers for $5 in the United States or 5 
> euros in Europe.
>      Routers are small boxes users connect to cable or telephone Internet 
> connections to broadcast wireless signals to nearby devices, inside a home, 
> business or surrounding neighborhood.
>      Juergen Urbanski, North American general manager, said FON, which in 
> February raised $21.7 million from backers, including the founders of Google 
> (GOOG) and Skype, is looking to turn the brand-name equipment into what it 
> calls "social routers."
>      The goal of the Madrid-based company is to build block-by-block networks 
> of shared wireless connections around the globe, turning local Wi-Fi users 
> into an army of "foneros" - its term for people who share wireless access.
>      As the company's name implies, FON aims to provide wireless Internet 
> access not just to computer users but also for mobile phones and the latest 
> portable gaming devices as they roam.
>      (Story continues below)
>From: Kevin Owen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Monday, June 26, 2006 11:05 AM
>To: 'Mike Hall'
>Subject: FW: Wireless In Washington
>From: Marlon K. Schafer (509) 982-2181 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2006 8:53 AM
>To: webmaster; omimo
>Subject: Re: Wireless In Washington
>Comments below.
>(509) 982-2181                                   Equipment sales
>(408) 907-6910 (Vonage)                    Consulting services
>42846865 (icq)                                    And I run my own wisp!
> (net meeting)
>----- Original Message -----
>From: webmaster
>To: omimo
>Cc: Marlon Schafer
>Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2006 3:27 PM
>Subject: Re: Wireless In Washington
>I have forwarded your inquiry for reply.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: omimo
>Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2006 2:49 PM
>Subject: Wireless In Washington
>I was really encouraged by your experiences starting up a wireless network 
>mks:  Thanks!
>I'm about to move to a house near Uniontown WA.
>mks:  Cool.  You'll like it there.
>I am sad because I have to give up my connection that I 'borrow' from my 
>landlord thanks to a small repeater sitting on his kitchen windowsill and a 
>converted steel salad bowl with my D-Link USB unit attached. Range: 150 yards 
>with 56Mbps to his home network.
>mks:  Grin
>I was so proud of that hack.
>mks:  Big grin!
>My new place is about 8km from one of the local providers antenna's and 13km 
>from anther one. The provider is First Step Internet out of Moscow, ID.
>mks:  Coolness.  I know those guys.  Good people.  Great network.  I've cc'd 
>Kevin from fsr for you.
>They have a 1.5 mbps connection for $35/month but want me to use their Trango 
>5.3/5.8GHz antenna and a modem of their own spec that they want to sell to me.
>In addition to a $600 setup fee.
>mks:  Hmmmm.  You sure that's the going deal for a residential connection?  
>Sounds like a business one to me.  Still pretty cheap though, have you ever 
>paid for a connection to the telco?  My last t-1 had a $500 install fee plus 
>$500 per month and a 36 month contract.  I just upgraded to a 10 meg fiber 
>link that whacked my $5000.00 in install fees!  sigh
>There has got to be a way I can make this happen (and share it with my 
>neighbors hopefully) in spite of the tech support spiel "we usually don't 
>allow personal equipment to connect due to variable quality of consumer 
>mks:  That's almost exactly the same language we use.  We'd also not let you 
>"share" with your neighbors.  That's really not sharing, it's stealing.  When 
>you buy a connection it's for YOUR use not everyone elses.  We pay for your 
>access based on what you do, if you do too far above the average (as you would 
>when "sharing") we lose money on the account.  Lose too much money and no one 
>will get service.
>mks:  The way that *we* manage that is to charge a per bit fee.  You get a gig 
>of data with your monthly account.  After that you have to buy the extra gigs 
>you use.  And we're very expensive for overages.  We do not allow you to run 
>servers either.  Even on the business accounts, if you want to host email, put 
>it on our servers, then it's our fault when it gets hacked into and generates 
>an extra couple of thousand in upstream bills on month!
>The house has a couple of new, and currently redundant, dishnetwork dishes 
>with three feedhorns, couldn't I use these somehow?
>mks:  Nope.  I guess you *could* but it would be more trouble than it would be 
>worth.  In the end it would cost you more money than doing it right.
>I sure hope you have some advice.
>mks:  I sure hope you liked my advice!

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