----- Original Message -----
From: Travis Johnson
Sent: Wed, 20 Dec 2006 19:58:21 -0900
Re: [WISPA] sales 101

> The problem comes when you have too much business so you stop selling... 
> and yes, it happens. We are in that "phase" right now... can't seem to 
> hire people fast enough... and yet we haven't done any real "sales" for 
> over a year... (currently have 84 wireless orders waiting to be 
> installed... that's a full month with 5 full-time installers.)
> Travis
> Microserv


It's a really good phase though, and it makes you look at temp's vs. employees 
which may not be a bad deal since the sales aren't up.


> Peter R. wrote:
> > Selling is actively working a process or plan to ink deals.
> > It involves prospecting, answering objections, providing a value
> > proposition, inking contracts.
> > Charles is right about the used car sales attitude, but that isn't
> > usually the issue.
> > Usually the issue is that no one is selling... everyone is just taking
> > the orders as they come in.
> > That's like saying the guy at the post office is in sales... "How many
> > stamps do you want?"
> > Cold calling, door knocking, networking and prospecting are sales
> > activities.
> > Waiting by the phone is not :)
> >
> > Peter Radizeski
> > RAD-INFO, Inc.
> > Marketing IDEA guy.com
> >
> >
> > Charles Wu wrote:
> >
> >> <snip>
> >> Profile your best clients.
> >> Pick out who you want your clients to be.
> >> Research them.
> >> Be in front of them.
> >> Sell them.
> >> </snip>
> >>
> >> Here's one thing to discuss -- "selling" vs "order taking"
> >> The conundrum of sales is that everyone LOVES to buy, but HATES being 
> >> sold
> >> to
> >> When one goes in the mentality to try to "sell something" -- more 
> >> often than
> >> not, one ends up more like the "greasy car salesperson" that leaves a 
> >> bad
> >> taste in someone's mouth
> >>
> >> -Charles
> >>  
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