Tom DeReggi wrote:
Better would be... your ISP + a unique number for the site location, to easilly decern which AP a complaining customer is trying to connect to, and prevent accidentent associating to the wrong or a worse strength AP. Your phone number can be looked up, but its hard to tell where someone is complaining about if they can;t tell you which radio they are interfering with.

Yeppers, I have some work to do on the naming scheme. Was hoping Lonnie would have multiple essid's to play with. Pretty soon.

All the ones that say FREE are free, all the rest are not open and have acl list. Anyone connected we know the ap they are suposed to be connected to.

Eventually I will turn on hotspot service and was thinking of doing a free slow speed. And then a laptop service for 19.99 per month and give them roaming across my network.

The way I figure it, if us the local wisp were to provide low cost and free services in our communities, the local governement would not need to meddle into the biz.

When we first announced free wifi we got a lot of very positive feed back. We are sure we gained a few customers directly from this and I'm sure our name resinates well with in the community.

What I've failed to do is show how extensive our wireless coverage is and use that to our advantage..... I need a map.

I have free hotspots in our downtown area, business park, skate board park, and ball fields as well as a couple other places that don't have much residents close by.

I don't throttle, they get to go a fast as the pop will let them. Speeds hit 16 megs quite often and they are all fed with 5 gig feeds. I want them to see faster than their dsl or cable at home, so they will switch or tell their friends.

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