You would classically arrange a peering agreement. You hand each other
a equal amount of capacity (say 1mbit) and a BGP table. You each use
the link like another upstream provider, balancing routes vs capacity
vs (what ever else you want). Some peerages have a set cost per bit
transfered and the groups settle up monthly. The main problem I see is
one entity will be at a disadvantage then the other due to size. Say
isp A has 2 peers, the other has 4. That means isp B will "need" isp
A's links less then B needs A's. There is a very (in)famous case of
exactly that (AOL and Cogent). How do you value your peering abilities
vs those of someone else, with more or less peers and more or less

On 4/26/07, Jory Privett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have two PoPs where I have bandwidth for my network.  In the  same area I
know of at least 4 other WISPs that have bandwidth also.  I was just wanting
to establish a link to one or more of them and start routing (BGP most
likely) and pass traffic over each others network.  This would allow each to
have more capacity and redundancy and not have to pay any large amount for
it.  I know all of the big players do it and it is the basic fabric the
internet is made of.  I was just wondering if any WISPs do it and how?

Jory Privett

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dawn DiPietro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "WISPA General List" <>
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2007 1:48 PM
Subject: Re: [WISPA] WISP Peering

> Jory,
> I am not sure what you are trying to do with the other WISP's in your
> area. Can you a little more clear on what you are thinking of?
> Regards,
> Dawn DiPietro
> Jory Privett wrote:
>> There are several WISP in my area I was  wanting to talk to some of them
>> about bandwidth peering.  I know that most will not want anything to do
>> with it since they refuse to co-operate in any other way but I wanted to
>> make the effort.  Has anyone else done this type of thing?  What
>> paperwork needs to be done to protect each company? How do you control
>> throughput to and from each network and routing issues?  Any help her
>> would be greatly appreciated.
>> Jory Privett
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