George Rogato wrote:
Customers are hard to come by to dispose of them so easily.
I wonder, I wonder what it is that is causing the customer to complain?

I'll agree with the principle of this statement, that customers often have a legitimate reason for their complaints.

Some folks, however, simply love the sound of their own voices. :)

For us, the biggest problem is file-sharing software. If two or three customers are running Kazaa or Limewire or whatever it is the cool kids are using these days to download music and movies of questionable provenance, the other thirty folks on that tower will complain. Those folks have a legitimate beef, and that's not a problem. We look at the tower, see who's doing what, and make the problem go away (usually by temporarily disconnecting the customer running the P2P software).

That's where the problems really start. That guy whose connection is spitting out about 100 packets per second on Limewire? He didn't read the contract, didn't listen to our installers (who are instructed to remind customers this kind of software is a no-no, and to explain in gentle non-technical terms why this is so), and it couldn't possibly be my little baby boy why he's a perfect angel (no he's not, he's a teenager, you remember what you were like when you were fifteen?).

Usually, once is all it takes, but we do have an informal "three strikes" policy - if you continually annoy us (and all the other subscribers in your area) eventually we will ask you to find another ISP. One customer who persists in causing problems for dozens of other customers isn't worth it.

David Smith
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