I have worked with Deliberant for a long time and now Ligowave a lot 
recently. Give them a call. Their number is on the website. They are 
VERY helpful and really good at fixing whatever issue you have.

- Matt

Marlon K. Schafer wrote:
> Hi All,
> I just installed my first radio from these guys.  (Anyone know if it's the 
> same company????)  I'm tossing out my very first thoughts as I'm still at 
> the customer's location, this is as raw as it'll get.
> First thing I noticed was a box that said Deliberant and a radio that said 
> LigoWave.  Probably the same company but it would be nice if the stickers 
> matched.
> Next, no polarity marking of any kind on it.  My guess of vertical being all 
> stickers and connectors down seems to be correct.
> Nothing tells you how to put the outdoor connector together.  I've done them 
> before so I knew which way to put that tapered gasket in, but my first time 
> I'm not sure I'd have gotten it right.
> No tech support phone number in the manual.  If it's there I couldn't find 
> it.
> The interface is slow.  Definitely God's gift to the hourly wage guy.
> I'm trying this unit at a location that runs VPN and VoIP out of a home 
> office.  Ever since I installed an MT AP her Tranzeo CPQ unit does the 
> disconnect thing and drops her calls and connections.  Speeds are good, 
> pings are good etc.  But stuff just don't work.  A Ubiquity at this location 
> worked just fine till it decided it wasn't going to listen to the AP anymore 
> (-90 or worse rssi when the replacement Tranzeo CPE unit had -65ish).
> This unit has a 40rssi.  Whatever THAT means.  I sure hate those random 
> signal level meters.  Give me the dB so that I can do a better job of 
> troubleshooting.
> Never did get this unit to pass data in bridge mode.  It would connect but I 
> couldn't get more than 1 ping at a time to go.  Web pages would start but 
> not load.  In router mode it works fine.
> Router mode has no port forwarding options.  Not an issue this time, but 
> without a working bridge mode I'll have to be careful where they get used.
> The hardware was easy to set up.  No instructions offered, but none needed 
> (other than the polarity sticker that needs to be there).
> Speeds are good.  Seeing 7 to 9 megs down and up.  Just like the original 
> Tranzeo CPQ radio gives.
> Now to see if it'll stay connected and give stable service to the customer.
> laters,
> marlon
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