What I'm having a hard time understanding is why we can't just have both?

I fully agree WISPs can;t rely on regulators, and we must survive by our own 
But I see no reason that simultaneously we can;t also influence polititions 
for our mutual benefit.

Tom DeReggi
RapidDSL & Wireless, Inc
IntAirNet- Fixed Wireless Broadband

----- Original Message ----- 
To: "WISPA General List" <wireless@wispa.org>
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2008 6:15 PM
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Article

> It's a long and quite off topic discussion to hash this out.
> But to suggest that "not trusting government" is the equivalent of being 
> an
> advocate to anarchy is absurd.
> The MOST corrupt and self serving institution in this country is Congress.
> After you've figured that out, it begins to make sense why our founding
> fathers said that "eternal vigilance is the price of liberty".    It's 
> also
> the price of just continuing to exist.
> Nowhere, at no time have I advocated anarchy, or anything remotely similar
> to it.   But, that's the repeated meme, probably just to squelch the
> conversation.   But I have noticed a very serious trend.  It seems that
> people mistake a cordial working relationship with "security of ideas or
> status quo" in DC.   There's no such thing.   Assurances of future events 
> or
> favors or policies is absolutely NOT something you can put any faith in.
> Those change like the wind.   Those very people you think might be
> influenced to be on your side, are just as likely to write a rule and
> enforce it which kills the whole industry, if it can earn them a headline
> that makes them look good.
> Does that make them "evil".   No, it makes them politicians, operating in
> both a political culture and a society that has accepted this behavior as
> normal.
> To use this pollyanna type of attitude that does anything but recognize 
> the
> serious danger that government poses to the welfare of the people is to be
> foolish.   What may influence them today, can completely vanish with the
> headlines of tomorrow's newspaper, and efforts to influence policymakers 
> or
> work out some kind "tit for tat" or quid pro quo can vanish faster than 
> dry
> ice in a blast furnace.   We must never allow our future to be dependent
> upon the whims of regulators.
> What is needed, is to get in writing, to get codified, the means by which 
> we
> can exist unmolested, and then after that point, to then seek to convince
> them that certian policies can do good and others do not.   My complaint 
> is
> that I see nobody defending our ability to exist, while at the same time,
> trading on "goodwill" to get favors and money.   That's a terrible 
> mistake,
> in my estimation.  A fundamental and near fatal flaw which can do nothing
> but harm us in the long run.    The attitudinal change in DC that's about 
> to
> occur, is that they not only have the right, but the OBLIGATION to choose
> who exists and who does not.   Who wins, who loses, and the primary
> motivation is now to take from industry to give to the people in exchange
> for votes.  If you don't think that can destroy us, I dunno what you think
> can.
> Seriously, every industry has descended on Washington DC with their 
> buckets
> in hand, lined up behind the spigots.  Our secret here, is not to be an
> "also ran" but stand out.  We don't need handouts.  We're citizens first,
> taxpayers second, and businesses third.  Be responsible adults, stand out
> like a beacon already.   Advocate for industry subsidy and whatnot to END.
> Be a voice of reason in today's mad rush to insanity...
> Please.
> Our nation's future depends on being men and women of character and
> integrity and being responsible, and differentiate ourselves from the big
> guys with  the big buckets demanding money.   Contrast us to them.  We 
> can.
> They can't.  Exploit their wanting money.   If there was EVER a time an
> industry could make an impact, by showing up and saying " We're here to
> build up the country, don't need subsidies and handouts, and these guys 
> are
> advocating for it, we are not, and don't think they should either", this 
> is
> it.  "We're here and doing what needs to be done.  We just need some 
> hurdles
> cleared" is far more a worthy goal, and likely to stand out, than to be
> centered in the policywonking that's aimed at "getting a slice of the 
> pie".
> Is this political?   I suppose it is in some way.  But no more or less 
> than
> the "argue a position to possibly benefit from loans and grants" that's 
> been
> repeated here.
> OH, but I forgot.  That's too extreme for "normal" people.
> Thank God those "extreme" people had some guts way back when.   I just 
> wish
> to honor them and the enduring ideas they left for us.   They're not out 
> of
> date yet.
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> <insert witty tagline here>
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "3-dB Networks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "'WISPA General List'" <wireless@wispa.org>
> Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2008 2:01 PM
> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Article
>>> If you're trying to convince me that DC is my friend, or that government
>>> can
>>> be trusted in the slightest... good luck  There's a whole world history
>>> to
>>> prove that notion the b iggest folly ever committed by man.
>> I have to ask... do you really think Anarchy is the answer?  That
>> everything
>> the government does is wrong?  That the government is suppressing your
>> rights?  I'd respond line by line but I am sure Butch will do a much
>> better
>> job...
>> Daniel White
>> 3-dB Networks
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2008 2:20 PM
>>> To: WISPA General List
>>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Article
>>> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>>> <insert witty tagline here>
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Butch Evans" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> To: "WISPA General List" <wireless@wispa.org>
>>> Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2008 12:44 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Article
>>> > On Thu, 4 Dec 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>> >
>>> >>And I won't be.  I was once and put money into WISPA.  When I think
>>> >>WISPA has the interests of all WISPS in mind when they act, then
>>> >>I'll financially support it.  When WISPA goes to washington DC and
>>> >>represents to them, that we actually WANT to be regulated, I cannot
>>> >
>>> > When did this ever happen?
>>> It did.  Long ago.   I supported WISPA until someone spilled the beans.
>>> >
>>> > There are some regulations that are good for WISPs.  Just ONE HUGE
>>> > example are the regulations that govern the FREE use of spectrum
>>> > under the Part-15 rules.  It's funny that I've never heard you go
>>> > off the deep end about THOSE regulations.  Either way, that is one
>>> > example of a good regulation.
>>> Hmmm... Allowing the people to use a public commodity.  Wow.  I feel so
>>> privileged.  NOT!  No, the knotheads in DC OWE US THE USE OF IT.
>>> Wow, what a strange concept.   When did we forget, we're the boss and 
>>> the
>>> owners, they're the designated stewards?
>>> >
>>> > In terms of specific impact that WISPA has had that benefits ALL
>>> > wisp operators (even those like you that don't like regulation)
>>> > there are 2 MAJOR examples that I will suggest.  You are probably
>>> > the only one "in the room" who will not like them, but then I
>>> > suspect you are often in that situation.  The first example is the
>>> > most recent HUGE WIN for WISPs in the TVWS debates.  I don't know if
>>> > you noticed, but in the R&O, do a search for "WISPA" and then do a
>>> > search for "GOOGLE".  You'll quickly see that just based on the
>>> > number of "mentions" that WISPA had a HUGE impact on the ruling.
>>> > That spectrum is free for you to use UNLICENSED (NOT UNREGULATED),
>>> > even if you don't support WISPA.  Another example is CALEA.  I know
>>> > that in YOUR world, CALEA isn't something that you have to comply
>>> > with, but the rest of us that live in a world shared by ~300Million
>>> > other Americans, we DO have to comply.  WISPA could have gone to DC
>>> > and said "this isn't fair", but it would NOT have changed the law.
>>> > Moving beyond that, we have developed a REAL solution that is very
>>> > affordable for ANYONE to follow.  There is currently no software
>>> > supporting it, but that is under development and will surface in the
>>> > near future.
>>> Wow.   Effective and reasonable ideas could have been dreamed up and
>>> proposed and made into law by now.  But nope, we're still determined 
>>> that
>>> pounding a square peg into a round hole "just has to be".
>>> >
>>> > One of the reasons WISPA doesn't take the approaches you suggest is
>>> > that your ideas are SO far out of line with reality that there is no
>>> > way to meet you on common ground.  Perhaps the muddy frogs can, but
>>> > real people cannot.
>>> Why, Thanks  Butch.   I feel ever so much better now.
>>> >
>>> >>When the attitude that "consolidation and shaking out the smaller
>>> >>players" is a good thing goes away, then there's on more barrier
>>> >>down.  It may not be
>>> >
>>> > What's bad about building and selling?  You don't like money either?
>>> Hmmm...  words have a specific meaning, I said precisely what I meant.
>>> When the attitude that the smaller players need to go away is shaken out
>>> of
>>> WISPA, that will be a good thing.
>>> >
>>> >>Sorry, you lost me with that one.  Small business and "mom and pop"
>>> >>are the backbone of our economy and make up a huge segment of all
>>> >>the jobs in the whole country.
>>> >
>>> > Yeah..my "mom and pop" raised me and fed me, but if I can find a way
>>> > to move my "mom and pop" operation into something bigger, then why
>>> > is that bad?  Look at companies like McDonalds, Wendy's and even
>>> > WAL-MART.  These companies were ALL "mom and pop" operations at one
>>> > time.  Personally, I'd not complain if my business grew to the size
>>> > of any one of those examples.  There are examples just like this in
>>> > the WISP industry, but I'll leave that as an exercise for you to
>>> > find.
>>> LOL, how'd you ever construe what I said into being against people
>>> building
>>> whatever size they want or think they can be?
>>> I'm just recalling a specific thread on this list that's now 2 or 3 
>>> years
>>> old, about how this industry will be much better and more representable
>>> in
>>> Washington when it is "mature" and not a whole lot of smaller players.
>>> Someone who is influential in WISPA was the source of this attitude, 
>>> too.
>>> This particular person seemed to be embarrassed to consider representing
>>> this industry as having mom and pop type members.
>>> >
>>> >>Every other industry organization unabashedly opposes everything
>>> >>that costs them or can harm them, but the leadership continues to
>>> >>insist that somehow playing nice and agreeing to mandates and costs
>>> >>will buy us favor...  All that happens is the mandates and
>>> >>agreements happen, the regulators change and all the "goodwill"
>>> >>supposedly bought evaportes, with the precedents and whatnot
>>> >>remain.  Until they understand that Washington DC is NEVER our
>>> >>friend, never to be trusted, then we're just sheep waiting to get
>>> >>shorn.
>>> >
>>> > This is just not correct.  I'm not going to try to correct you on
>>> > it, but wanted it to be in the archives for anyone who is interested
>>> > to know that the TRUTH (of which your messages was NOT an example)
>>> > is available in the archives.
>>> If you're trying to convince me that DC is my friend, or that government
>>> can
>>> be trusted in the slightest... good luck  There's a whole world history
>>> to
>>> prove that notion the b iggest folly ever committed by man.
>>> >
>>> >>Sorry, that's just my opinion and it's not subject to "revision and
>>> >>extension".
>>> >
>>> > If you were to revise your opinions, how would we all know what we
>>> > were doing wrong?  Please...never change for the sake of us all...
>>> >
>>> >>And no, don't tell me to "run for WISPA office".
>>> >
>>> > I don't think I've EVER seen anyone ask you for this.  Besides, as a
>>> > non-member you can't.  If you decided to join and you think your
>>> > opinions are held by even a small group of people, and that you CAN
>>> > convince the other board members and you can have some impact on our
>>> > policies.
>>> >
>>> >>Agitators like myself don't win popularity contests.
>>> >
>>> > I'm not sure "agitator" is the right word...It is something of a
>>> > cop-out, actually.
>>> >
>>> >>I prefer poking a stick in the hornets nest, to letting stuff go
>>> >>along quietly.  I've never found that emulating someone else is the
>>> >>sure-fire way to beat them.  That is not conducive to winning
>>> >>anything.
>>> >
>>> > And which part of ANY of your messages posted to any list I've EVER
>>> > seen you post to actually IS "conducive to winning"?  What is it you
>>> > want to win?  If you are attempting to sway opinion, then why not
>>> > post some legitimate arguments (note the word "legitimate" does not
>>> > mean the same thing as "wild ranting") and convince people you are
>>> > right?
>>> It really would not matter.   There's sufficient numbers of people who
>>> brand
>>> anything said by me as wild ranting, so...  Let them think that.  Maybe
>>> I'll
>>> just add some fuel to the fire for my own entertainment's sake.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >>So, love me or hate me, but for pity's sakes, grow a spine and act
>>> >>like real men with original ideas when you go to lobby DC.
>>> >
>>> > Personally, I hold neither love NOR hatred for you.
>>> >
>>> >>I am firmly convinced you could make a serious impact if you think
>>> >>outside the box of present conventions.
>>> >
>>> > We have already made a "serious impact".  You just don't like it
>>> > because we did so WITHIN the law.
>>> >
>>> >>The whole notion of "raising broadband's definition" to justify
>>> >>federal handouts to industry is so small, so weak, such tired
>>> >>thinking that surely a better notion can be sold.
>>> >
>>> > Umm..what was your idea again?  The idea of raising the bar for what
>>> > is defined as broadband has little to do with "federal handouts".
>>> > It is the reality that there really IS a problem in this country.
>>> > We are falling behind in the world.  There are things that need to
>>> > happen at the federal level to get us (the nation) back on track
>>> > with BB availability.  In order to do that, we have to first define
>>> > broadband.  In today's world, 200k is NOT sufficient to be called
>>> > broadband.  But I'm not going to argue this whole point out with
>>> > you.  You wouldn't agree in the end anyway.
>>> Oh, GAWD.   Spare us the unmitigated tripe about "falling behind the
>>> world"
>>> already.   This political BS is so tiresome, so stupid, and so
>>> ridiculously
>>> absurd it deserves NEVER ANOTHER MENTION.
>>> What, if we fell behind the world in euthanasia, we'd need Congress to
>>> bail
>>> us out with some federal guns and death policy?   Cripes, what IS this
>>> rot?
>>> I see a needed service to people who need it.   NOT EVERYONE NEEDS IT.
>>> NOT
>>> MANY BENEFIT MUCH FROM IT!  Seriously!  To think that abject buffoons in
>>> DC
>>> can somehow determine that broadband is going to cure our country's
>>> economic
>>> ills is beyond stupid.  It's mindless.   It has it's place, it has its
>>> value, but to think that somehow it is or should be an issue so critical
>>> that we need our government to step in and blow taxpayer money on
>>> studying,
>>> subsidizing, and ultimately screw with the markets to "fix" it is beyond
>>> stupid.   This nation is NOT SUFFERING A LACK OF BROADBAND.   Not to say
>>> that there's no place lacking it, it's just that in the universe of
>>> important stuff, this is a grain of sand in the middle of a desert.   I
>>> can't believe that we should fall for this notion and use it as the 
>>> basis
>>> for our industry's lobbying.   I'ts just more of the "can't think 
>>> outside
>>> the box" that I mentioned before.    Just because someone turned this
>>> into
>>> a
>>> meme is no reason to keep repeating it.
>>> Why can't the approach to all this make sense?   Seriously, this is all
>>> I've
>>> ever argued for.
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > ********************************************************************
>>> > * Butch Evans * Professional Network Consultation*
>>> > * http://www.butchevans.com/ * Network Engineering    *
>>> > * http://www.wispa.org/ * WISPA Board Member    *
>>> > * http://blog.butchevans.com/ * Wired or Wireless Networks    *
>>> > ********************************************************************
>>> >
>>> >
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