Brad Belton wrote:
> Hello Bret,
> You missed the point about the biggest proponents of Cogent are those that
> only have Cogent....<silence>...
We prepend our other peers, because Cogent has been the most stable and 
latency/jitter the lowest. So I don't get you point...
> I'm not a Cogent basher as we have a Cogent GigE feed too and at times have
> depended on it, but I among many, many others do not consider Cogent as an
> equal to a variety of other providers.  I'm not making this up it's just a
> well known fact.  '
But you are bashing them. Besides they all have their skeletons and I've 
been involved with many of them on those skeletons. Recently had to stop 
announcing routes to AT&T because of continuous route flaps. Try to get 
a hold of someone at AT&T who has 1/2 clue.
> Cogent gets "de-peered" with others on a far more frequent basis than any
> other "major" provider.  Just Google "cogent depeered" vs. "abovenet
> depeered" or "level3 depeered".  There is no comparison.
Does this fall into the category of "If its on the Internet is must be 
true"? :). I won't disagree that Cogent seems to get depeered more often 
recently with Sprint last year, but if Cogent is taking business away 
from the other tier providers, I could see some of them trying to flex 
their muscles by pulling the depeering card.

But I guess if you want to bash Cogent, I haven't been happy with how 
they are handling IP6 right now.
> So, what are you going to do when your customers are calling asking why they
> can't get to a particular site?  All because you're caught up in some
> pissing match between carriers.  I know our clients don't care what the
> reason is, they are more interested in what we're going to do to fix it.  If
> Cogent is all you got then you're SOL!
Regardless of our point of views, if you anyone is going to offer 
Internet services to customers, you should never have just one upstream 

Additionally I find too many people have opinions of a provider based on 
there personal experience in a particular region. Cogent works great out 
of the Boston NAP and I know numerous other providers who would state 
the same. Maybe in you location that's not true.


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