Yes, they do understand it.   You're not understanding the point.    The 
telcos have big bucks to lobby with, and benefit the regulators.   We do 
not.    Thus, we will NEVER be on their "list".    We cannot get onto the 
top of the rolodex until we have millions with which to lobby, and can 
legally bribe a bunch of government agencies.

There is no benefit to offering them data, free labor, etc.    The mandates 
will get larger, deeper, more and more costly, and the benefits promised by 
certain individuals will never EVER happen.   And, should it ever reach the 
point we actually pinch the telcos or cablecos enough for them to get 
concerned, they will call in the favors and have us obliterated.   Welcome 
to the new generation of thug politics in DC.   Just look what's happening 
to broadcast industry, the insurance industry, etc.    "You exist to benefit 
our political aspirations.  The moment you fail in that regard, you will be 
shredded, beaten, whipped, ruined, bankrupted and criminalized".   Either 
you're a political ally, or you're toast.

This administration has removed all semblances of public service and has 
officially made it federal policy to conduct political wars upon the people, 
businesses, enterprises, and even the states, if there is any political 
benefit to doing so.   It is federal malevolence at the highest level ever 
seen before in this country.   And it's getting worse by massive leaps and 
bounds.   Even appointees to the FCC have made this clear, in demonstrating 
they believe in the direction and control of media and industry for the 
benefit of the political class.

I argued years ago that surrendering our sovereignty to the feds was a 
recipe for industry disaster.   So far, I've been called stupid, extreme, 
radical, idiotic, mindless, and a kook for thinking so.   Trying being a 
health insurance company, doctor, investor, banker or any one of a number of 
recently demonized groups.    The White House has decided it can control 
your prices, wages, services, products, and policies, if ANY public money 
passes to you or even if you just happen to be in an industry that gets 
political attention.   Even if it just means a bailed out company did 
business with you.   Or, your service is considered "important" or 

They haven't gotten around to us yet, but we're in the crosshairs.   After 
all, we're in business to make a profit,  and anyone making a profit needs 
to be slapped down and destroyed.    We should have stood for our 
independence, instead of lusting after public money, but no, principle is 
foolish, and money is all that matters, I was told.   Well, you got what you 
wanted.   And I'm still around to say "I told you so".   The pursuit of 
favors, public money, loans, grants...  That was just too enticing, wasn't 
it?   The country's going to hell in a handbasket financially, because 
everyone's holding their hand out waiting for someone else's money to flow 
their way, courtesy of politicians.    And lots of the leadership of WISPA 
was arguing and holding out the promise of "getting someone else's money" 
for the industry.

Well, ALL of you, and ALL of the same greedy mentalities all through our 
industry and nation have set the situation up that it's all come home to 
roost, and the taxpayers are... well, paying for it.   Unemployment, ruined 
retirements, bankruptcy, and so on.

You should have stood on principle, not on greed.    Best never invite me to 
an "industry gathering" or I'll tell you what I really think.   It would not 
be pretty.

I haven't read this list in months, been busy.   But nothing has changed. 
We've still got WISPA leadership promoting the lusting after public money. 
Damn you for your immorality.    The consequences are all around us, the 
people have suffered greatly because of that kind of thinking...  And you're 

I don't want to hear "they're going to give it anyway, might as well get 
your share".   Hell no.    We should put our country first, and the lust for 
easy "someone else's money" given the boot.    But we've been sold out to 
the FCC by former leadership urging the FCC to regulate and mandate stuff on 
our part for them.   In return, of course, for vague hints something might 
"come our way".

Shame on every one of you who took, is trying to get, or even thinking of 
trying to get your hands on someone else's money.    It wasn't just a 
political matter after all.  It was moral, too.   And look at the 
consequences it wrought.

Ok, enough. I'm angry now and starting to get worked up.

From: "Scottie Arnett" <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2009 8:55 AM
To: "WISPA General List" <>
Subject: Re: [WISPA] USF changes?

> And they forgot all about the other ISP's out there. They are leaving it 
> up to the telcos to supply the demand! Do they(The FCC) not understand 
> that other companies besides the telcos and cable companies offer Internet 
> access?
> Scott
> ---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
> From: RickG <>
> Reply-To: WISPA General List <>
> Date:  Mon, 9 Nov 2009 23:49:39 -0500
>>Warning: "The bill also drew early praise from AT&T"
>>On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 9:10 PM, Blair Davis <> wrote:
>>> I'm not sure I need any more gov. interference!
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