This morning my favorite news site had yet another article about the FCC, 
labled "walking a fine line" where they're distancing themselves a bit from 
full on telecom style regulation and trying to sell some vague "in between" 

To be honest, the electorate isn't in favor of ISP regulation at all.   The 
political activists are counting on a Sea Change in Congress with the elections 
coming up soon, and are chomping at the bit for change, including having 
Congress direct the FCC BY VOTE to leave ISP's alone.  

A few Congresscritters and indeed, some of the apparently soon be elected ones 
are willing to be activist in this regard to roll regulations back.    Is this 
something we could get WISPA to officially support?   I realize that this may 
seem premature, however...   

1.  Political climates change fast.    The activists to deregulate things are  
fired up big time.   We'd be just one thing they'd love to add to the list of 
overreaches, but few grasp the whys or hows.    However, if sit and wait, while 
making no noise, it is unlikely we'll get very far. 

2.  The public is almost universally unaware that we're supposed to create and 
support the ability to fully capture everything an individual client does.  
When I explain it to them, they get narrowed eyes and start to get quite 
hostile.   We WOULD have great public support for repeal. 

3. Considerable attention is being given to the cost of mandates, as a form of 
hidden tax on business.   

Of course, nothing is set in stone until its set in stone, but should the sea 
change occur that's being predicted, the new Congress will be actively 
searching for and attempting to repeal overreaches.   Is WISPA prepared to go 
to bat for us in this regard?    If not, why not, what's needed?     WISPA 
needs a well written, clear, and unambiguous statement ready to go in January, 
should we have the opportunity to make our voices heard by ears that think we 
have not just a right to be heard, but are indeed, on our side.   

Is this where WISPA is willing to go?    


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